Monday, May 18, 2009

the prayer

God, in confussed i come. with a plenty of question in my mind. what is happening? why is this thing happen? what should i do? how should i react on this? i dunno how to take responsible on the responsibility that i have been given to. one thing for sure that i want to do all this thing for You only. i might fail in many things in my life but i dun want to stop learning to follow your way. many things tried to stop me to continue to put my faith and trust in You, i might be shaken. but i will not fall because i know that You hold me in. 
God, i will still continue my trust in You because i cant put my trust to any other gods or people or anything in this world. Your unconditional love is set me free and embrace me. thanks for everything o God. i really cant stop to say thanks to You. You really deserve all my praise and thanksgiving. 
i know Your touch and the miracle is on his way. Love You :-)

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