Thursday, April 14, 2011

New world

My vice precident once told me about new world.

In that time we were about to have a meeting to customer to introduce them with a new concept that my company adopt. A lot of people didnt agree with this concept. People talked from the back. People hard to accept change. New concept means new thing to do. We need to work harder in order to introduce it and to make the people to be familirise themselves with the new things. Well, it's really hard for him as a leader to convince the people that he is leading them to a new world.

He shared with me how moses lead the israelite to the promise land. How was the reaction of the people. They always think about how good their life in the past. They cant see that a new world, God give it to them.
So he challenged me, there will be a new world, who will enter it? Those people that have faith towards it. Dont be like the israelite where they cant enter the new world because they were grumble and gone againts it.
And he told me be a joshua generation who take courage toward changes.

Well, I really amaze by what he shared to me. It is not only imparting my career life but my entire life to perceive changes.

A new world that God have prepared. Do i want to enter it?

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