Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Back in indonesia, I managed to finish 2 drama. "the concerto" and "miss ripley".

While i watched miss ripley, i really hate the main actress. I found her so greedy, i feel so irritated. My question: why they protagonist to be the main. This will be the first drama where people feel irritated with the player. I judge her action. And it make me have no mood to continue to watch the drama.

I stopped to watch the drama for a few days. Then i tried to analyze why i hate her. And if I try to be in her shoes, I might do the same as well. Then I decided to continue the drama. As I dwell into the emotion with the drama, I understand her feeling and situation. Especially in the end of the series, she found a good boyfriend but end up they cant be together.

I can see myself in her while she become greedy over her life. She wants to get the best for her but eventually she missed the best due to her greediness. 

Many times in life Pride and greed will lead us to miss the best for us. 

I also faced the same problem, right now I know that I am too prideful to admit my mistake, and too greedy also to say that what I have right now is not enough. I might miss the best but the problem is I am still have my prideful to admit and to torn down myself. 

can I just have a little bit of my pride???? Oh gosh........ will I really miss the best for me? 

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